Sunday, May 24, 2009

The fashion show.

My friends Pete Nagy and Daaron Daniels asked me to shoot some photos of the Faith Boutique Fashion Show at the Fantasy 500 Party downtown last night. They did a great job. It was a great party and the clothes looked hot. Also, a shout out to my boys at BMG for making it go off without a hitch. Enjoy.


  1. Beautiful photos Molly! You've got talent! I would hire you. I wish you were doing this when I got married. :( By the way, love the logo as well.

  2. Thank you. You are so sweet. Will have the new camera in June and then I'll really bring my A-game. :)

    Miss you...

  3. You are tits! Sa-weet shots. Wish I could have come, I thought running 6.2 miles 6K feet in the air was a better idea!
